I have two special needs children. Early childhood development was of utmost importance. Ironically, doing a little keyword research I discovered that the keyword phrase, "Early Childhood Development Classes" was a hot commodity item. Take a look at the screenshot below:
It's reported that the phrase, "Early Childhood Development Classes" has a suggested bid price of $15.85. In the keyword by relevance report, it's shown that the phrase: "online courses early childhood eduction" has a suggested AdWords bid amount of $96.95. This is PER CLICK! Insane; absolutely insane.
That said, and once again, as you'll start to notice: this is a viable phrase to target as long as you tack on a city to it -- such as what I did on this page (i.e. Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL).
Search Results For Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL
The search results for the phrase Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL has interesting results. There just under 5 million results for the query; which is good! Phrases that return results in the billions are ones you have to watch out for. Second thing to look at are the sponsored listings. Pretty much all slots are filled. Seeing this along with looking at the bid prices tells me that clicks would likely pay pretty decently. The third thing to look at is the top two results. They're both from the same domain. And the forth thing to look at; I'll show you on the screenshot below:

At the time of posting this, this page is the only result returned with the search term wrapped in quotes. There's many other elements I look at when I choose keyword phrases to target; however based on what I have explained already this seems to be an excellent keyword phrase to build content on. It would probably take a small blog with about five to ten really good articles in order to pull rank. I think the time invested would pay off pretty well.
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