Propagating privets by using cuttings is probably one of the cheapest "free" and easiest methods of growing privet bushes. It's like free money. The only thing needed is time. There are people selling rooted privet cuttings on eBay. So as an idea, I think I might start growing privets again and see them locally in the Sacramento Ca area.
Labels: Bush, Hedge, Privet, Privet Bush California, Privet Cuttings, Privet Hedge Sacramento, Privet Propagation
Okay so I am sure this post sounds cheesy. But I will totally be looking for the best deals on a space heater immediately after Christmas. Why you might be asking? Well that's easy to answer.
For starters I need a replacement space heater. I work from home and my feet are constantly cold. The rest of my body is usually hot. I tend to raise the heat in my whole house just to help heat my feet. And in the process of doing so, this causes me to get too hot.
The second reason is my current space heater is starting to wear out. It's also very loud. It seems like the space heater fan has seen it's last days. Perhaps its the fan bearings or the fan motor itself? At any rate the unit frequently overheats.
So the next question you might ask is if there are really going to be after Christmas Sales on space heaters all together. The answer is very simple. Yes. There will be excellent deals, specials and promotions on personal sized and portable space heaters. These units are typically used for your home or home office.
I will likely check K-Mart, Wal-Mart and Target for the best deals. These three places tend to have a wide selection of space heaters. Online I will also cross-references various makes and models using Amazon.com.
If you have a specific brand that you have had a lot of luck with. Be sure to take a moment to write a response to me. I would like to hear your thoughts. In the up coming weeks I will edit this page and provide additional information on which space heater I decided to purchase.
Until then, stay warm!
Best regards,
Keyword Research Guy!
Labels: After Christmas Sales, Small Appliances, Space Heaters
Here's an example of a keyword phrase that might not be a good idea to target:
Rinnai Tankless Water Heater Repair. Do a Google search for the phrase and you'll discover that top 7 out of the 10 results on the front page are all from the official website of the company. The remaining three are links to YouTube videos. Here's a screenshot below:
The money may look appealing; having a suggested bid price of $22.96; however as we can see in the screenshot above as as well as the screenshot below; competition is HIGH. Plus the monthly search count is extremely LOW.
Average monthly searches for this phrase is only 20. On the next screenshot below you'll see that a normal AdWords bidder at most would receive approximately 1 click per day.
So once again: this is an example of a keyword phrase you do not want to target. And using Google AdWords keyword tool the way shown above in the screenshots is a great way towards filtering out keyword phrases you may think of. This is piece of the puzzle with how I research keywords for content monetization.
One thing: Seeing that there's YouTube videos triggered off this query; relevant ones too for that matter. I guess the only thing I might consider would be landing the root domain name. In this case, as it turns out, it's actually available: rinnai.tv; but that's probably not a good idea unless you enjoy getting sued by different businesses and corporations. I'll pass on that. The dot TV would be perfect for videos though.
I just downloaded the Google AdSense app for my iPhone. It's actually pretty nice! But that wasn't what I was looking for. I was searching for the AdWords app and it doesn't exist. That would be great if Google decided to develop that. In the mean time though I will actually enjoy reviewing my AdSense stats using that app.
Labels: Google, Google AdSense, iPhone, iPhone Apps
So I just ordered pizza from Jets and supposedly used a coupon but in all honesty the discount really didn't seem too much. I love their pizza a lot and it sure beats Pizza Hut, Papa Johns and Dominos. However, it is expensive. I ordered two large pizzas, each with one topping and my total came to almost $30 dollars.
Strange, because you'd think a smaller pizza chain would want to capture more of the market. Their total marketshare in a way can be revealed simply by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner. As you can see, Jets pizza coupons gets around 22,200 monthly searches. Compare that to Pizza Hut coupons with 368,000. That's quite a big difference. I never realized how much of the market Pizza Hut had. That's kind of an amazing discovery actually.
Here's an interesting keyword phrase:
HIPAA compliant linux web servers. Based on my research it doesn't appear to get any monthly searches. But the hidden jewels with this phrase are deep within.
First off blogs are free. I mean you can pay for a domain name if you want and even pay for web hosting. But that's totally optional. And that's one of the things I like most about Blogger. Blogger can be free or if I really want to step things up I can make a full-fledged domain name website on it and still have it hosted free.
Second thing is that blog sites and blog posts last forever. I have written posts almost 10 years ago and the content is still online earning money through ad clicks.
My point is this. Sometimes it doesn't matter if a keyword phrase I research reports no monthly traffic. For starters, I think eventually someone will search for it. The second point is that when someone does find my page through search, there's a good chance one of my ads will get clicked on.
Third element is what I call the hidden jewels. In this example, the phrase HIPAA compliant linux web servers triggers other ads that AdWords advertisers are bidding high amounts on.
Forth thing is that if I decide to make an entire website based on this phrase, I'll be in a better position to eventually target some of the higher competitive keyword phrases.
It took me about 10 minutes to research the keyword phrase and write and publish this page. And over the next ten years I'll probably get around 100 ads clicks on it. Assuming I get an average of $0.50 per click, that equates to $50 dollars. That's not too bad for 10 minutes of work.
Depending on how things play out, I may decide to invest more time by writing about how HIPAA compliant linux web servers work or how much they cost or what this type of service actually means.
I have two special needs children. Early childhood development was of utmost importance. Ironically, doing a little keyword research I discovered that the keyword phrase, "Early Childhood Development Classes" was a hot commodity item. Take a look at the screenshot below:
It's reported that the phrase, "Early Childhood Development Classes" has a suggested bid price of $15.85. In the keyword by relevance report, it's shown that the phrase: "online courses early childhood eduction" has a suggested AdWords bid amount of $96.95. This is PER CLICK! Insane; absolutely insane.
That said, and once again, as you'll start to notice: this is a viable phrase to target as long as you tack on a city to it -- such as what I did on this page (i.e. Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL).
Search Results For Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL
The search results for the phrase Early Childhood Development Classes Chicago IL has interesting results. There just under 5 million results for the query; which is good! Phrases that return results in the billions are ones you have to watch out for. Second thing to look at are the sponsored listings. Pretty much all slots are filled. Seeing this along with looking at the bid prices tells me that clicks would likely pay pretty decently. The third thing to look at is the top two results. They're both from the same domain. And the forth thing to look at; I'll show you on the screenshot below:

At the time of posting this, this page is the only result returned with the search term wrapped in quotes. There's many other elements I look at when I choose keyword phrases to target; however based on what I have explained already this seems to be an excellent keyword phrase to build content on. It would probably take a small blog with about five to ten really good articles in order to pull rank. I think the time invested would pay off pretty well.
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